Month: May 2012

I loled

I loled


N O  F A N D O M  I S  B E T T E R  T H A N  A N O T H E R  T H E Y  A R E  A L L  E Q U A L L Y  S H I T T Y

hodinson: leaders of the alliance: varian wrynn, tyrande whisperwind and malfurion stormrage, genn greymane, the council of the three hammers, prophet velen, gelbin mekkatorque


leaders of the alliance:

varian wrynn, tyrande whisperwind and malfurion stormrage, genn greymane, the council of the three hammers, prophet velen, gelbin mekkatorque

egelska: a post dedicated to my otp yup posting this gif again im really proud of it i really like the use of comic sans


a post dedicated to my otp


posting this gif again im really proud of it i really like the use of comic sans


the quality-est blog award undoubtedly goes to


go look at this blog right now im sobbing with laughter

he hit post limit today at like 1:30 I think???

it’s probably the best blog today

I made sure to save a screenshot of my dash

It is too big to upload to tumblr so I posted a cropped version

tumblr.png (if the actual image was not 11MB i would totes upload that instead (it is 960 × 32767))


(if the actual image was not 11MB i would totes upload that instead (it is 960 × 32767))