Month: March 2012

“Gamon visits Prince Thunderaan in Silithus”

“Gamon visits Prince Thunderaan in Silithus”

“What is your most indispensable add-on?”

“What is your most indispensable add-on?”

“Screenshot of the day #3”

“Screenshot of the day #3”

“Average pre-BG Weekend shop for a BG I like.”

“Average pre-BG Weekend shop for a BG I like.”

“How I feel rushing a DK/Pally in PvP. ಠ_ಠ”

“How I feel rushing a DK/Pally in PvP. ಠ_ಠ”

“…and we killed with 20 milliseconds left.”

“…and we killed with 20 milliseconds left.”