If you lose a friend because you’re honest, it wasn’t a good friend.
Aw, come on!” Oliver protested loudly. He was now leaning heavily to his right side. “Y’said you fucked the orc, not talked ‘im ta death.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science – the one that heralds new discoveries – is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny”.
May ur drawings look good when flipped
Every introvert alive knows the exquisite pleasure of stepping from the clamor of a party into the bathroom and closing the door.
…aaannnd I ship it.
Killing became the same thing as having sex.
A rogue who has less blades than limbs is no rogue at all.
I’m not saying that at some point love isn’t staying up until 2am phone calls or stealing kisses when you least expect it, or instantly falling for each other’s favorite songs because it is, or at least that’s what the lead up to it feels like, but real love, is so much more. It’s going out at 12am to get something to eat for your wife who can’t get out of bed, it’s listening to them as they explode with vulnerability on your living room couch talking about how they were only so young when their parents passed on. it’s remembering how someone likes their coffee in the morning without asking—without ever asking, it’s visiting someone in the hospital knowing the last thing you want to do is see them in that condition, it’s wanting to be with that person despite everything, the future, the past, and everything in between, it’s the intimate things that you don’t even realize involve such intimacy, but they do, in secret, like the pinky promises you two made behind your back, to love one another for always, in the time you thought you were in love, when you were actually just on your way to it.
On April 19th I made bread
Latin graffiti in Pompeii (CIL IV.8792)
life fast die young, Romans
(via likeavirgil)
(via audible-smiles)
4/19 bake it
(via inquisitorpsyduck)