Nothing is mentioned until the Burning Legion shows up again. You got Kil’jaeden and his new hi-def demon army, who’s like, “What you got?” And then Anduin stands up and folds his arms. A huge gate opens. And Garrosh on Arthas’ horse wearing Judgment armor wielding Ashbringer charges out at the head of an army of undead. Anduin puts on a pair of sunglasses. Fistbumps Bolvar.
Paladin is only fun every two minutes.
Biology’s cruel joke goes something like this: As a teenage body goes through puberty, its circadian rhythm essentially shifts three hours backward. Suddenly, going to bed at nine or ten o’clock at night isn’t just a drag, but close to a biological impossibility. Studies of teenagers around the globe have found that adolescent brains do not start releasing melatonin until around eleven o’clock at night and keep pumping out the hormone well past sunrise. Adults, meanwhile, have little-to-no melatonin in their bodies when they wake up. With all that melatonin surging through their bloodstream, teenagers who are forced to be awake before eight in the morning are often barely alert and want nothing more than to give in to their body’s demands and fall back asleep. Because of the shift in their circadian rhythm, asking a teenager to perform well in a classroom during the early morning is like asking him or her to fly across the country and instantly adjust to the new time zone — and then do the same thing every night, for four years.
But I don’t want to see Tom Hiddleston lactating!
I still remember the very first time I was called the N-word. It was 1988 or so, and I was in third grade. My classmate, a poor white girl named Vicki, chose to punctuate the end of a childhood spat by yelling, “You DIRTY NIGGER!” Seven- or 8-year-old me was bewildered. And silent. I had never heard that word used that way before. I didn’t know what it meant. Yet I felt its force and its vitriolic intent viscerally.
Later that evening, I inched close to my mom in the kitchen as she was putting dinner on, and asked, “What does the word ‘nigger’ mean?” Before she answered with words, I simply registered pain on her face. In hindsight, I understand that pain to be the pain of a parent confronting the inevitable reach of other people’s issues from which you cannot protect your child. It was also the pain of a black parent confronting the inevitability of a child’s first encounter with racism. After asking why I wanted to know, she told me simply, “It means an ignorant person.”
The N-word on the 4th of July | Brittney Cooper for Salon
She did a great, great job with this.
(via christinefriar)
They could only DPS their way out of a paper bag if it was on fire, because then they’d feel compelled to stand in it.
You’re a ghost driving a meat coated skeleton made from stardust, what do you have to be scared of?
When we had written that questline in the Badlands there, we knew that this would be a cool story thread to pick up some day. But if you really think about how long it would take a dragon to mature and start developing his own thoughts, it’d be a long time. Like decades. And we didn’t really have time for that! So I said well, OK — if we ask people to buy into this one thing, that because of these experiments he can have some self-awareness early on, wow – what an interesting character that is!
All of a sudden he’s so compelling. Because let’s see, his father was crazy and tried to destroy the world, his mother was basically raped by the red dragonflight, then his egg was experimented on to sever his ties with his own family – so how do you view the world at that point? Well, you don’t really view the world as a friendly place. You’re probably eager to take control of your own destiny, which he does, even before he hatches. And then you kind of have this thing to atone for – your father tried to destroy the world. Your father went crazy. Are you crazy? How do you not be crazy, how do you make up for what your father did. Suddenly he’s such a cool character! I really want to explore that character. We kind of went nuts with it. So we kind of asked people — well if you can already buy in to the idea that he hatched from his egg and already started hatching schemes, then there’s a whole cool story that can come from that. And we really rolled with it.
That was kind of the genesis of that character. His value to the franchise is he really can kind of stand above Alliance and Horde, and really try and be a good guy, but without all the moral reservations that most good guys have. He really does have the best interests of Azeroth in mind, but his interests may not necessarily line up with our interests. His plan may not be the way that we would think of planning it. That kind of gray area between hero and villain is so cool for us, very cool to explore. And you’re never sure whether you should trust him or not. It helps that we got a wonderful voice actor who really gets that across. He gets that kind of, that air of arrogance and also a little bit of smarminess. You know, like you like him, but don’t trust him at the same time. Wonderful, wonderful characterization.
JK Rowling created seven Horcruxes. She put a part of her soul in every book and now her books will live forever
-Stephen King (via howtedmethiswife)
How else do you explain Dumbledore, Snape, Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Hedwig, and Dobby?
(via thejediramblings)